
41 posts

Pure Tone Testing

I had a patient recently who reported having had a couple of hearing tests completed in the past year and a half and wondered why he would require another hearing evaluation before being fit with hearing amplification.  The answer is for pure tone testing, a test within the past 6-12 […]

Does Hearing Loss Really Matter?

I think like so many things in life, we take for granted what is naturally in place, only realizing how important something is once it isn’t working.  I was asked the question last week by a patient, “Does hearing loss really matter?” It seems like such a simplistic question.  So […]

Can I Pass on My Hearing Aids?

I had a patient who recently purchased a new set of hearing aids.  He is 87 and in good health but understands he is nearing the twilight of years.  He wants to continue to strive for the best possible quality of life and stay connected to his family and friends […]

Hearing Loss: Visible or Invisible?

It is easy to think that hearing loss is invisible.  It does not have a unique shape, you cannot touch or pick up hearing loss, it has no tangible mass, smell (thank goodness), or color.  However, it is sensed and recognized often by loved ones and family members before the […]