Categories Accessible Hearing Aids

23 posts

Seven Advantages of Buying from a Hearing Care Professional

It’s one thing to buy books, electronic devices, and food online, however, hearing aids are a different matter. Because your ears and the condition of your hearing are unique, an in-person consultation with a qualified audiologist will ensure that you get the right type of hearing device and the proper […]

Hearing Tests – What’s Involved?

Hearing loss can be related to allergies or head colds with the buildup of sinuses. While there can be severe and permanent hearing loss, at times, it is reversible. A series of steps are performed to test your hearing for doctors to determine the severity of hearing loss. These allow […]

Auditory Wellness – How to Achieve It Through Five Healthy Habits

Auditory wellness – what is it and how do you protect it? Whether you’re already accustomed to using hearing aids, suspect you might be experiencing hearing loss, or are fortunate enough to enjoy perfectly healthy ears, prioritizing your auditory health is a crucial step toward overall well-being. In this blog, […]

What?! Hearing Loss Affects Every Age Group

Remember the last time you listened to a song you loved or had a fun conversation with someone at a party? Now, think about when a siren or footsteps behind you alerted you of danger. Each of these experiences was made possible by your sense of hearing. Like many things, […]