Categories Hearing Screenings

23 posts

Can I Pass on My Hearing Aids?

I had a patient who recently purchased a new set of hearing aids.  He is 87 and in good health but understands he is nearing the twilight of years.  He wants to continue to strive for the best possible quality of life and stay connected to his family and friends […]

Hearing Loss: Visible or Invisible?

It is easy to think that hearing loss is invisible.  It does not have a unique shape, you cannot touch or pick up hearing loss, it has no tangible mass, smell (thank goodness), or color.  However, it is sensed and recognized often by loved ones and family members before the […]


Why do people not realize they have a hearing loss? We are only able to hear what we can hear. That is why sounds or voices may still seem right to you, even though you may already experience a hearing loss. The truth is your brain adjusts to the “new […]