With filing deadlines quickly approaching, you should be gathering all the information and receipts for your deductions. One of those deductions that you may not think of is your hearing aids. If you itemize your medical deductions on your federal income tax, hearing aids are tax-deductible. Here is some information to keep in […]
Categories Metairie Audiologists
18 posts
Workers who can hear better are more productive! If you are concerned about hearing loss due to the loud excessive noises at work, call me today at 504-738-4557. You can also visit our website at accessiblehearing.com. Think about it! You are just a phone call away from the hearing help you […]
Why do people not realize they have a hearing loss? We are only able to hear what we can hear. That is why sounds or voices may still seem right to you, even though you may already experience a hearing loss. The truth is your brain adjusts to the “new […]