Yearly Archives: 2023

13 posts

Diabetes & Hearing Loss: What’s The Deal?

One of every five Americans has hearing loss, and it is twice as common among people living with diabetes. Much like age-related hearing loss, diabetes-related hearing takes a toll on higher-frequency hearing. Also, people with diabetes can have a harder time hearing speech in noisy environments such as restaurants and parties. […]

Wearing Earplugs is Cooler Than You Think

Wearing earplugs is not cool – this misconception has existed for a long time and is a serious problem in today’s loud world. However, something as simple as wearing earplugs can protect your hearing and prevent permanent damage from occurring. Experiencing prolonged exposure to sound that is 85 decibels or […]

Five Keys to Ensuring Your Hearing Aid is Programmed Correctly

I often meet new patients at screenings for church groups or organizations, and a few of them already wear hearing aids. I always ask, “How do you think your hearing aids are working currently?” and “When was the last time you saw your hearing health care professional about your hearing […]