Tags Hearing Loss

30 posts

The 5 Emotional and Mental Benefit of Listening to Music

Recent studies have shown that listening to music improves our mood and emotions as well as our overall mental state. Each of us encounters music daily, whether it be while watching a television commercial while taking a ride in an elevator, or hearing your grandchildren sing. Here are the top […]

Can Your Child Hear You?

How do you know your child has a hearing loss, and what can you do about it? If your child responds to you only some of the time, he or she may have a hearing loss. Here are seven other signs to look for: If you suspect that your child […]

Hearing Aid Technology

We are truly living in an age of technology where things that once seemed impossible are now benefiting our everyday lives. Take hearing aids, for example. Due to technological advances, hearing aids are helping their users more than once seemed possible. Along with assisting people with just the ability to […]

Holiday Gift Ideas For The Hard of Hearing

Do you know someone who has difficulty hearing in noisy restaurants or someone who is tired of having the TV volume at a high level?  Electronic devices available today offer many benefits.  For those on your holiday shopping list who are hard of hearing, there are many items they may enjoy […]

7 Tips on Cleaning and Maintaining Your Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are a substantial investment and need to be properly maintained. Be sure to maintain them to ensure they perform at their highest capability. Neglecting to maintain your hearing aids can result in a buildup of earwax, water damage, and even physical damage to the device. To prevent costly […]